
Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Lets see. Sunday I went to church and then we ate out with my grandparents. I didn't watch the clock and had to hurry home to get changed for work. I went to work from 12-9. I was really tired afterward and came home. Pedro refused to go to bed, so I had to force him up on his sleeping perch then turn off the light before he could climb back down. I went down to the condo and watched TV then went to sleep.

Monday, I went home from the condo after having breakfast. We left for school for student-teacher-parent conferences. This unpleasant experience is where parents drag you along with them as they discuss your grades with each of your teachers. The whole process is stressful and disorganized. But it went better than two years ago when I got grounded afterward. We used to eat there more frequently, so we had gotten to know the employees there, but for some reason, when school started, we had stopped coming. We had about a 10 minute conversation with the cashier. Afterward, we went back home. I played Chrono Trigger for SNES for the first time in about 5 months. I left it running when I had to go to work at 4. It was really busy at work, Thanksgiving is coming up soon so it will get very busy. I kept being called up front when I was trying to get the trash out. It took me a half hour to clean the bathroom and take out the trash because the checkers kept calling me up and I had to run all the way to the front of the store to bag groceries and take customers out to their cars. I eventually got that done, even though they had two other courtesy clerks that they could have called up front to help. I came up front emptied all the trash cans in all 7 checkstands, plus the 4 in Uscan, and the one next to the copier, and 2 public trashcans. They usually leak stale milk/sugar all over my hands and there was more garbage than usual. I went upstairs and took my break, watched that 70's show and ate chicken stew. Then I cleaned the breakroom and bathrooms. At that point the fill in manager Jamie yelled at me to hurry up so I could help her face up the wine and beverage aisles. I dragged all the garbage downstairs then pushed all the garbage out, and picked up a equal sized bakery garbage cart as well. I had to shove 3 garbage barrels, and 14 bags of garbage into the compactor. And then got around to facing. I didn't find the time to get in all the carts, but hopefully no one will kill me for that. I got home and Pedro went right up on his perch. I did my email then went down to the condo. I watched TV until I went to sleep. Then woke up at 1:30 when John came home from the play cast party. I went back to sleep.

Today, I woke up at 11:45am making that 11 hours of sleep. I went home and worked on a paper for Politics and Government. Then my brother and mother came home, John failed the written driving test. HA HA Then we had lunch and then I went to a doctor's appointment in Kirkland. Turns out my diet changes had successfully lowered my cholesterol and my CT scan said I am healthy. What a relief. I came home and played animal crossing. I had dinner then went to church, late. We discussed Psalm 48:10 and Mark 1:35-37, being still before God, stripping aside distractions when we pray and spend time daily with God. I came home to watch a complete opposite message on TV! 24 was really violent this week. At 10 I went and looked for a game to play in John's room then went online in my room. And now I am here.

Tomorrow is going to be really busy. The day before thanksgiving is allays busy, the busiest day of the year. But we are having a potluck up in the breakroom all day. Good stuff, I hope there is Russian food this year. That stuff is so good! That's all I have to say about that....

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Yesterday was boring... I didn't get much done. I guess I need this week off. Thanksgiving is coming! I get to work on that day. The day before is going to be hell. They always say not to go to the grocery store on the day before thanksgiving. I don't have a choice! But they usually have good food up in the break room for that day. I like this season.

Today I had to get up to go to work at 7am. But I woke up 20 minutes before I had to be there! I managed to have a good breakfast and make it here on time, without speeding. I will discuss my opinions on driving and bad drivers very soon. Be prepared for a long post!

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Today I only had three classes....unfortunately my hardest ones: AP English, Politics and Government, and Physics. All the people in choir were at some clinic at Western, so about half of each class was empty.

AP English: we had a discussion on the Invisible Man. Half the class was gone. It was an interesting section, but I am not good at participating in discussions...

PoliGov: we sat there for 80 minutes and read...

Lunch: Went to Arby's and had the The Big Montanna, a 1/2 roast beef sandwich...(why didn't I notice that before? ^_^)

Physics: It was really boring, we spent 70 minutes learning something that could be learned in a 5 minute reading.


Went to trombone lesson after school. I couldn't find my music, and I hadn't practiced! Dang that was a waste.......I'm going to try better next time.


ToDo: Practice My Trombone, Catch up in programming homework, learn Russian, make a decent website, apply to colleges.....

Sorry if that was boring... I'll try to put more thought into these as I get going. Please criticize me if I don't keep this going....

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